The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV) is seeking workshop proposals for its May 18, 2018 statewide domestic violence conference.
The conference will be attended by professionals who encounter domestic violence in their work, including social workers, counselors, advocates, attorneys, health care professionals, and criminal justice professionals, including law enforcement. Workshop proposals are being sought for the conference including, but not limited to, the following target areas:
- Best Practices for Working with Culturally Specific Communities
- The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children and the Parent-Child Relationship
- Innovative Approaches to Abuse Intervention Services
- Using Awareness of Secondary Trauma and Promoting Self-Care to Aid in Staff Retention
- Strategies for Working with Survivors who Use Substances
- Intersection of Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking, Sexual Assault and/or Stalking
- New Strategies to Engage Youth and Serve Teen Victims of Dating Violence
- Practical Usage of the Danger Assessment and Lethality Assessment in Domestic Violence Cases
- Innovative Approaches and Best Practices for Fatality Review and the Community Coordinated Response
- Effective Strategies for Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement and Prosecution Approaches
- Approaching Domestic Violence from Each Branch of the Military
- National Best Practices for Family Justices Centers
- Overcoming Barriers and Effectively Serving Older Adults or Survivors with Disabilities
Benefits to presenting at the conference include:
- Networking opportunities with domestic violence professionals
- An opportunity to showcase your work and promote best practices throughout the state
- Free attendance at the conference with breakfast and lunch provided
- Free social work CEUs for presenting and attending
- An honorarium to support your organization and to assist with conference-related expenses
- Being part of the solution!
Please submit the following information at by September 15, 2017:
- Half page description of the 75-minute workshop (5-7 sentences long), including a title and 3-5 learning objectives.
- Short biographical sketch of each presenter (one paragraph, 2-5 sentences long).
- Resume for each presenter (for MNADV records only).
- Please note that a maximum of two presenters will be able to attend the conference for free.
- Preference will be given to interactive presentations.
Proposals will be reviewed by the 2018 Conference Planning Committee and presenters will be notified by the end of October 2017. Selected workshop presenters must confirm their availability to present by Friday, November 17, 2017. Workshop presentations must be submitted in PowerPoint to MNADV by Monday, February 26, 2018.