Help for Abusers
There is help available for people who are abusive towards their partners. Abuser Intervention Programs (AIPs) in Maryland help people who have been abusive to their partners learn to change. Participating in AIPs is a first step in learning that there are better, alternative ways to deal with relationships than using violence and control. In a group setting, participants learn about power and control, the effect of abuse on their partners and children, and they build new relationship skills.
While attending an AIP doesn’t mean that the abuse will stop, it is one tool that can lead people who are motivated to change towards healthier relationships. Some people think that anger management, couples counseling, or drug and alcohol counseling will stop the abuse, but that is not the case. Abuser Intervention Programs are built especially for people who have learned that violence and control is acceptable in their relationships.
The Family Violence Council of the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) is responsible for certifying AIPs in Maryland. Here is a list of programs that are currently certified in Maryland.