Allied Service Providers and Supporting Organizations
Benefits to allied service providers and supporting organizations include free workshops and CEUs, discounts on trainings and conferences, technical assistance, free brochures and educational materials, legislative and public policy advocacy, job and event listings on our website, and national information, resources, and trends.
9 Great Reasons to be an Organizational Member
- FREE MNADV trainings (2 workshops/year – $150 value; 5 day advocate training – $1,200 value)
- Discounts on MNADV workshops and conferences (2 workshops/year – $20 savings; 1 conference – $15 savings
- FREE social work CEUs for workshops and conferences (2 workshops/year – $30 value)
- FREE MNADV brochures ($370 value)
- State and federal advocacy for legislation and program funding ($13,000 minimum value)
- Technical assistance and specialized services for your program ($100 minimum value)
- National information, resources, and trends (E-mail list serve and e-newsletters – $500 minimum value)
- Your program’s events and job opportunities on the MNADV website ($600 value)
- Vote to elect MNADV Board of Directors (Priceless!)
Membership Rates
- $200 (Under $499,000 budget)
- $300 ($500,000 – $999,000 budget)
- $400 (Over $1million budget)
Payment Options
Print and mail the Supporting Organization Member Form with a check to MNADV, 4601 Presidents Drive, Suite 370 Lanham, MD 20706, OR pay by using a credit card through PayPal below.