We must act to protect victims, their families, and our communities by supporting the Domestic Violence Records Reporting Improvement Act (HR 4183).
Earlier this month, a convicted abuser in Texas walked into a church and killed 26 people with a gun he should not have been able to buy legally. Domestic violence advocates quickly had their suspicions confirmed when reports of his dangerous, violent behavior came to light. We are devastated by this predictable and preventable violence. A recent study found that at least 54% of mass shootings also involve an intimate partner or a history of domestic abuse.
Representatives Ryan Costello (R-PA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) recently introduced the Domestic Violence Records Reporting Improvement Act (HR 4183), which would help prevent such tragic events from happening. Implementing existing federal law is a critical step in disarming dangerous and homicidal abusers.
Federal law currently prohibits convicted abusers or those under an order of protection for domestic violence from possessing a firearm. Unfortunately, lax implementation has undermined the background check system that would alert gun sellers to prohibit a sale.